As with previous Evangelion collaboration figures from Mechatro. To make matters worse, Asuka only finds herself more and more frustrated by Shinji's failure to respond to her advances, and in turn only abuses him more and more harshly, which only makes him withdraw further, thus continuing the vicious cycle. Official images of the fifth Evangelion Mechatro WeGo figure have appeared, featuring a reimagined Shinji Ikari and EVA Unit-01. Since Asuka is constantly heaping him with accusations and blame, his most natural response is to withdraw and hide himself, both emotionally and literally. However, due to his own emotional issues, Shinji is unable to recognize Asuka's actions for their true intent, and is only confused and hurt by her flirting mixed with abuse. Significantly, she gives him his first kiss (supposedly out of boredom, though the Director's Cut makes clear that the kiss meant a lot more to her than she lets on). While Asuka is attracted to Shinji, she is afraid to admit to being dependent on anyone so instead of expressing affection, she teases Shinji (often with sexual overtones), hoping to "provoke" him into initiating a closer relationship. Their confused, back-and-forth emotional interchanges are a source of considerable guilt and tension for both parties.
While he is not the series true Big Bad, he is one of the main antagonists.He is NERVs liaison to SEELE, and a member of SEELEs Committee for Human Instrumentality, but in reality he is running his own scenario which runs counter to SEELEs plans. Though not immediately apparent, their relationship is a powerful driving force for both characters throughout the series. Gendo Ikari (né Rokubungi) is the secretive head of NERV and Shinji Ikaris estranged father. These mechanical keyboard PBT keycaps are inspired from Shinji Ikari's EVA Unit 01 and feature a bright purple and green colour with artwork from the series such as 'Unit 01', 'NERV', 'Angels' and much more. Ikari Shinji is a character from Neon Genesis Evangelion. The perfect Evangelion Keycaps Set for a true Evangelion Anime fan. Despite his rapport with Rei, Asuka is a sexual presence in his life, and is ultimately shown to be a figure of great emotional importance to him as well. Zerochan has 183 Ikari Shinji anime images, wallpapers, HD wallpapers, Android/iPhone wallpapers, fanart, cosplay pictures, screenshots, facebook covers, and many more in its gallery. Unit-01 serves as the flagship model for the series. It houses the soul of Shinjis mother, Yui Ikari. His only friends are Toji and Kensuke, but he apparently cares about Rei more than even he realizes, although everyone around him seems to think that his feelings are obvious. Evangelion Unit-01 (, 'Evangerion Shogki') is the first non-prototype Evangelion unit, and is referred to as the 'EVA-01 TEST TYPE'. His progress is all undone when he is forced to kill the only person who ever openly expressed love toward him.